Marketplace – Spreading the word

16 March 2020

A post by Katherine Mining

Open Systems Co-ordinator, Risk and Invesment

The Wessex Water Marketplace was delighted to be part of the Smart Water 2020 conference held in Birmingham last week.


It was a great opportunity to spread the word about how our Marketplace platform is helping us find new and innovative solutions to the challenges we’re facing in AMP7.

Our Chief Innovation Officer, Dave Elliott, spoke at the conference about using an open systems approach to meet performance challenges, and spent some time on our stand to discuss this further with the conference delegates.

Thank you to all who visited us to find out more about the Marketplace platform and feedback on their experience of the approach so far.

Delegates were really interested to find out about our current challenges and the data we’ve shared so far, including reading case studies about our water efficiency and intelligent sewer monitoring challenges.

Many were keen to subscribe to our mailing list to learn about our latest challenges and news. As ever, you can also sign up here.