Mains repairs performance commitment data

This data set contains the incidents used to calculate our mains repairs performance commitment (PC) figure as part of our Annual Performance Report (APR). More information on the APR and our PCs can be found here Latest performance (

This file shows the mains repairs underpinning our PC.  The approximate location is given in terms of the division of the Wessex Water region, where North covers Wiltshire, West covers Somerset and South covers Dorset. The data also shows the closed date of the job. We also distinguish proactive repairs (where the company has detected that a repair is required) from reactive repairs (where the repair is a result of a customer reporting an issue).

For summary data from across the industry please see the Discover Water site here: DiscoverWater (en-GB)

If you have any comments or queries about this dataset, please get in touch via

NB: File was updated 3.7.23. to include the 2021-2022 reporting year and 28.7.23. to include the 2022-2023 reporting year.

About this dataset

Last updated
32 weeks ago
  • Mains repairs